
Outdoor Tomato Course

This tomato course is created by experts from Rijk Zwaan to provide practical knowledge and skills to tomato growers in Africa.

In short

This course will show you the basics of growing outdoor tomato in Africa to increase your knowledge and skills in tomato cultivation and maximize your profit and yield. 

11 chapters & 30+ lessons

The content of this tutorial is divided into 11 different chapters, including a total of 30+ lessons.

1 week to complete

This course can be completed online within 1 week of study time. 

Online learning

Learn online at your own pace and enjoy the mix of articles, videos, questionnaires and downloads. You get a certificate after completing the course.

Knowledge from experts

Rijk Zwaan is one of world leading vegetable breeding company with local expertise. Our cultivation & breeding specialists will share the latest insights in tomato cultivation.

Become a better tomato farmer

Throughout this course you will discover how you:
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  • Prepare the land for cultivation.
  • Understand plant density and it's influence on yield.
  • Different methods of irrigation.
  • Manage pests and diseases through crop protection.
  • Understand physiological disorders.
  • And many more...

Extend your cultivation knowledge now!

Get ready to enroll in our e-learning and become a better tomato grower.

Meet our Business developer and Film director

Harald Peeters

Harald is a horticultural specialist at Rijk Zwaan with his boots firmly in African fields for 3 decades . Together with the international Cucumber Crop Team of Rijk Zwaan he is sharing our knowledge about cucumber varieties and cultivation. From low-tech to high-tech, Harald enjoys bringing African Farmers to the next level by sharing his knowledge on crops but also the market and the business case of a variety.  He looks forward to finding solutions for your challenges during the courses and in the field.

Course Curriculum 

Frequently asked questions

Is this course free?
Yes this course is free of charge!
Who is Rijk Zwaan?
Rijk Zwaan is a vegetable seed breeder. We make new hybrid varieties of vegetables, with added value for all actors in the vegetable chain - such as disease resistances and higher yields and improved flavours.  Our Head Office is in the Netherlands but we have subsidiaries in more than 30 countries and distributors in over a 100. We breed many vegetable varieties and sell seeds to professional food growers around the world. If you've eaten cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot and really - almost any veggie in the supermarket - you've probably eaten a vegetable grown from Rijk Zwaan seeds. 

We only breed vegetables and sell seeds. We don't engage in pharmaceutical or chemical production. 

Rijk Zwaan is a family owned business with the ambition to increase vegetable consumption around the world. Read more about Rijk Zwaan at www.rijkzwaanafrica.com
I don't use seeds of Rijk Zwaan yet, is that a problem?
That is not a problem, we like to share a healthy future!  However, our curriculum is based on our varieties. The crop management refers to specific Rijk Zwaan varieties and may not be 1 on 1 applicable to other varieties. Of course, we like to see you becoming successful with the wide Rijk Zwaan assortment.

What are you
waiting for?

Extend your cultivation knowledge now!